Like Monti, all 17 members of the cabinet are unelected and all are academics and economists. The Italians have had a nationalist, corporatist government in living memory which didn't exactly go well yet according to an opinion poll by the Piepoli Institute, 53% of Italians support an unelected technocratic government.
The EU has now deposed two democratically elected leaders and installed eurocrats in their place. Lord Tebbit suggests that the EU would be quite happy to install Nick Clegg as PM here if Cameron forgets which side of his bread is buttered.
One of Angela Merkel's cronies, the nationalist socialist homophobe, Volker Kauder, says that the UK should fall into line and stop opposing the Tobin Tax which would devastate our economy. If Cameron doesn't capitulate on the Tobin Tax, will we see an attempt to overthrow the British government and install the euro extremist Clegg in his place?
Rebel Saint · 697 weeks ago
[Not sure what the relevance of calling someone a homophobe is in this context. Neither do I agree that he is one]
wonkotsane 85p · 697 weeks ago
Barbara · 697 weeks ago